Beth Steele Newbold '84

Beth Steele Newbold '84 grew up on Signal Mountain and graduated from GPS in the class of 1984. She then obtained a BA degree in economics and international studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has volunteered at GPS as a member of the GPS Alumnae Advisory Council and the Belonging Working Group as well as other fundraising and parent committees. She has also served on the boards of the Wellesley Cooperative Nursery School, Signal Mountain Social Services, Mountain Library Foundation, Friends of the Library, and the Junior League Garden Club. Beth is an active member at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church where she has been a Bible study leader, served as a member of the Nominating Committee, and participated in a working group on Family Discipleship. She is married to Carter Newbold (McCallie 1984) and has three children, Nathan (McCallie '16), Lucy '17, and Stella '21.